Санкт-Петербургский научный вестник
Электронный научный журнал

Экономические науки
Elkina Olga Sergeevna 1, Elkin Stanislav Evgenyevich 1

1. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration North-West Institute of Management

Пристатейный список:
1.	Becker G.S. (1964) The human capital: a theoretical and empirical analysis with special reference to education. New York: Columbia University Press.
2.	Bowles S. (1970) Towards an educational production function. New York: Harvard University Press.
3.	Dosi G. Innovation, organization and economic dynamics. Selected essays. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000. – 265р.
4.	Edvinsson L., Malone M. Intellectual capital: realizing your company's true value by finding its hidden brainpower. New York: Irving Perkins Associates, 1997. – 758 р.
5.	Elkin S.E. Towards a human development. Saabruken, Germany. Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, 2016. – 64 р.
6.	Elkina O.S. Corporate risks in project management. Omsk, Russia. Corporate Governance, Subotica: Faculty of Economics; Omsk State University, 2014. –Р. 709-745.
7.	Griliches Z. Notes on the role of education in production functions and growth accounting education. New York: Income and Human Capital, 1970. – 258 р.
8.	Hudson W. Intellectual capital. How to build it, enhance it, use it. Wiley, New York: NY, 1993. – 362 р.
9.	Legge К. Human resource management: rhetorics and realities. New York: Anniversary Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. – 274 р.
10.	Machlup F.  The economics of information and human capital. New York: Princeton. University Press, 1984. – 372 р.
11.	Markovich D. Sociology of a transactions. - М., 1988. 286 р.
12.	Nelson R. Recent Evolutionary theorizing about economic change // Journal of Economic Literature -1995 - № 23. – Р.48-90.
13.	Roxborough I. Modernization theory revisited. A review article// Comparative Studies in Society and History. – 1988 - № 30. – Р. 753-761.
14.	Stewart T.A. Intellectual capital. New wealth of organizations. New York: Doubleday / Currency, 1997. – 286 р.
15.	Wiig K. Knowledge management foundations. L. Schema Press, 1993. – 468 р.
16.	Zaslavskaya T. Creative activity of weights: social reserves of a post(station) // ECO. - 1986.

Библиографическая ссылка

Elkina Olga Sergeevna, Elkin Stanislav Evgenyevich STRATEGY OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR ON THE LABOR MARKET // Санкт-Петербургский научный вестник. – 2018. – № 4(1);
URL: spbvestniknauka.esrae.ru/ru/1-4 (дата обращения: 26.04.2024).

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