Санкт-Петербургский научный вестник
Электронный научный журнал

Экономические науки
Elkin Stanislav Evgenyevich 1

1. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration North-West Institute of Management


The role of the population as a carrier of intellectual potential increases many times in post-industrial countries, where it is the intelligence of the nation as a set of intellects of individuals that becomes the real engine and determining factor of progress. At the same time, along with the growing social significance and awareness of the problems of employment, unemployment and the labor market, there remain unexplored and unresolved methodological and conceptual problems related to the regulation of its development at the present stage, taking into account the globalization of world economic processes. In this regard, the relevance of the study is determined by the tasks solved within its framework, the main of which is the development of methodological provisions for developing models of market development and a mechanism for regulating the consequences of unemployment. The originality of the approach to the problem is provided by the choice of four existing methods and the inclusion of assumptions that model the socio-economic and demographic aspects of the labor market when developing a set of measures for the contour territory.

Ключевые слова: labor market, unemployment, globalization, modeling of labor market processes, mechanism for regulating the consequences of unemployment

Библиографическая ссылка

Elkin Stanislav Evgenyevich 1 LABOUR MARKET: BASIC CONCEPTS AND PROBLEMS // Санкт-Петербургский научный вестник. – 2019. – № 4(5);
URL: spbvestniknauka.esrae.ru/6-33 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024).

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